Home / Staff / Mary Doherty, Substitute Yoga Instructor


LafitI am retired from the Indiana Department of Transportation and had a career for 34 years as a planner/programmer, and find that yoga students are friendlier and more receptive than my former “audience” who I welcomed to informational meetings trying to lighten their moods by announcing that “I am with the government and am here to help.” I am a mother of two sons and a grandmother of four (ages 2 – 22). I love digging into the earth, planting, and nurturing all living things. I volunteer some of my free time and semi-expertise at garden shows, classes, and projects for the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program. As a certified instructor of Silver Sneakers, I also am also called upon to sub chair yoga classes at the YMCA and LA Fitness.

I have been practicing yoga for over 25 years and considered myself an “unregistered” experienced teacher before studying the eight limbs of yoga and completing the 200 hour Immersion and Hatha teacher training at Evolutions Yoga to become a registered yoga teacher (RYT) with the Yoga Alliance. I experienced the true calling to teach yoga after spending time at the Self Realization Fellowship founded by Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) in Encinitas, CA.

Yoga is a method to free yourself in the world—to be happier and more genuine and more connected to people. I try to give that spirit in the classroom. Bringing lightness and humor into teaching and personal practice comes natural to me. I want my students to be really curious about who they are and to be accepting of whoever that may be on a particular day. I believe that yoga is for all people, so I’m constantly trying to expand my field of practice, knowledge, and experience to be able to help as wide a range of students with as wide a range of issues as possible.

The most beautiful thing about yoga is that it allows anyone and everyone—no matter what their level—to find their bliss. My classes encourage awareness of the physical, energetic and psycho-emotional levels (koshas) within the body-mind; and include energizing and/or gentle yoga movements (asana), breath-work (pranayama), positive affirmations and meditative stillness. I believe deeply that yoga is an effective way to truly know yourself and share that belief in teachings based on practical, applicable yoga philosophy combined with everyday life.

“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.” ~ B.K. S Iyengar

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Working Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sat & Sun: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm